Thursday, June 20, 2013

And a Happy Ending !

The first ever love marriage of Borkhalya village… the guy and girl used to like each other. They wanted to get married. The girl's dad started looking outside the village for alliances, as was the custom. That’s when the couple made their move. But instead of running away, they chose to stay, convince and win over their parents.
The elders were aghast that people from the same village are looking to marry each other, which is when other instances of youngsters running away from home, in other villages were cited. The elders soon understood that the times were indeed changing, and soon approved of the union.
The wedding was such a lavish extravaganza, lasting for a whole 8 days. Well, it was an expensive affair, but after all, their family honour was at stake. No dowry was paid, and no money exchanged between the families.

And thus was completed the first ever love marriage of Borkhalya village… 

Development is happening :) :)

PS: All you useless tharudhala boys... village youths are assaulta correcting off,  what're we doing da?? :((

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