Thursday, June 20, 2013


This is a story from a village called Nimmanpur. Now, most of us wouldn't have heard of this place. But out here, everyone knows Nimmanpur. Its all because of what happened here over the last 6 months. It’s the talk of the whole tehsil folks! 

You see, there was a marriage some time back in Nimmanpur. The girl looked good, and was sought after by many. The groom considered himself lucky and was looking forward to a very "satisfying" married life… hahaha. 
And apparently it was so for a few weeks. The young couple enjoyed themselves thoroughly apparently!  Lets call this dude 'A'. 

Then one day… she went missing. It later transpired that she had eloped with another dude, B from the same village. Obviously, A's family erupted. A's folks barged into B's family and relatives, and fist fights ensued. The panchayat intervened. B reluctantly returned with our heroine. As a satisfactory order that pleased all, the panchayat ordered that the girl could stay with B, and that B should pay a lump sum amount to A. He did that gladly. 
Everyone was happy… what a nice way to end this great story… what weird shit right ??

WRONG ... there's one person you've underestimated in this narration so far … our heroine herself !

A little after a week of this commotion, she again eloped with another dude C from the very same village ! Again the same feud ensued, A's family laughed all their way. C too reluctantly came back, and he too ended up paying the exact same amount, with added interest to B.  Seriously folks ! 

Just when we thought it was all getting over, she did it once again, and eloped with her neighbour this time, D. The only problem is that D isn't returning like B and C did. So, all the commotion and chaos has now been deflected to D's dad, who truly is the real focus of our story… His is the name, and his is the plight that has caught the attention and gained the sympathy of the entire Nemad region. I shall refrain from naming him online… but shall surely bring it up in private conversations with you folks! A true legend he has become. I have his pic too.

He has no idea where his son is, does not have the money for his son's escapades, and is being hounded by C's family for the cash !
His hopes are that the girl will eventually run away with another E, so that C can directly get his money from E, and he can wriggle his way out of this loop…  That my friends, is pure native genius. No wonder, this man's such a legend out here.  

1 comment:

  1. She wanted the 'D'
    why would she come back :P
